syntax highlight

Tuesday 2 March 2021

sudo reboot

Recently found out Wordpress had pretty aggressive ads on my blog. That worked as the encouragement I was needing to work on a task I'd been putting off for years: fix bit-rotted content! I took the opportunity to fix all (most) broken links and source code snippets from the last 14 years. It was supposed to be a short sed script, which of course ended up being 3 days of work - a lot of it manual. A few cool things I figured doing this:

  • Even if I very sparingly add new posts, 14 years is still a lot of content. By the infinite monkey theorem, some of it should be good. Right?
  • A new reason to dislike template metaprogramming: so many 'template < class >', so much broken code...
  • I have 400+ posts and less than 10 images. While I quite like adding visual content, very little of it (except memes!) survived the successive blog migrations.
  • I can estimate there have been at least 3 platform migrations since the first post. I can count the number of times that '<' gets html-encoded like the rings of a tree. '&amp;amp;lt;' was the longest encode sequence I found.


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