Let's analyze some of the core concepts of this example.
Unit testing
A coverage report only makes sense if you have a suite of unit/integration tests. gtest and gmock have worked the best for me but I guess anything that can run a suit of tests will be good to get a coverage report.
Getting some coverage
gcov is a simple utility you can find on Linunx to generate coverage reports. gcc has support for it, you just need to compile with "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage" and link with "--coverage -lgcov". If you see the line 10 on the makefile for the example project, you'll see I define a new build type, special for coverage report.
Once the project is built with support for gcov, running the tests will generate a bunch of stats for lcov to pick up. The makefile includes a target that takes care of all these steps, compiling the program with gcov support, running the tests and then collecting the results into a nice html report.
Getting it running
Unfortunatelly, generating a coverage report has a lot of dependencies in C++. For the example on my github repository you'll have to install lcov, cppcheck, gtest, gmock and vera++ (a code style checker for C++ which is now discontinued... you should probably search for a replacement). Once you have it running, though, you can easily integrate this with your jenkins setup.
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