After a recent update I found my custom Spotify UI (*) wasn't working. The way my custom UI works is by generating a simple list of followed artists, and then playing in the native app by using deep-linking. A recent update seems to have broken this in Linux based OSes, so here's my fix:
sudo mv /usr/share/spotify/spotify /usr/share/spotify/spotify.real sudo echo '/usr/share/spotify/spotify.real --uri="$1"' > /usr/share/spotify/spotify
Seems old versions of spotify would try to open anything as a deeplink, but new versions require a `--uri` parameter on argv. Surely there is a cleaner way of doing this in xdg-open, but I'm too lazy to read manuals.
In the "reminder to myself" category, as there is zero chance I'll remember this next time I'm setting up a computer.