syntax highlight

Friday, 8 May 2020

Vimtip: Open path

If you are editing a file which references another file (like, say, a cpp file #including a header file) then you can use Vim to open the referenced file in a new tab like this:

#include "foo/bar.h"

Place your cursor anywhere in "foo/bar.h" and press `gf` to open the referenced path. More interestingly, you can also do `C-w`, release and then `gf` to open in a new tab.

Today I learned you can also do this for arbitrary URLs. If you have a file like this:

#include "foo/bar.h"

Then you can do `C-w gf` on either of the first two lines! If needed, Vim will automatically fetch the referenced url for you and store it in a temp location. Magic!

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Weak symbols to mock c-APIs with gmock/gtest

I recently worked with a c-style API interface which wasn't very open to mocking. The API in question looked something like this:

handle_t h = api_open();
api_foo(h, param1, param2);
api_foo2(h, 42);

This *almost* looks like a C++ interface, with extra steps that make it really really hard to mock (and, thus, to test). If it were a c++ interface, it would be possible to "virtualize" the different methods from the, even if this required a bit of patching to the original library. While a c interface doesn't provide this facility, there is another feature that makes mocking such an API with gmock possible: linker weak symbols!

In the header, you can patch your target library to export its symbols like this:

handle_t api_open() __attribute__((weak));
void api_foo(handle_t h, int, float) __attribute__((weak));
void api_foo2(handle_t h, int) __attribute__((weak));
void api_close(handle_t h) __attribute__((weak));

The weak attribute will tell the compiler to emit this symbol marked as 'w'. If you compile this library and inspect it with nm, you'll see the (possibly mangled) symbol name and a w next to it. In turn, this tells the linker that this symbol can be overridden.

Normally, if you define 'api_open' in more than a single .object file, and then link them all in a single binary, you'll end up with a linker error. Something about "multiple symbol definition", which seems reasonable. If the symbols are instead marked as weak, then the compiler will simply override the symbol table with the last seen instance of that symbol.

Once all mock-able symbols are defined as week, creating a mock is "easy", albeit not necessarily pretty. Following the example:

// Mock definition
struct MockApi {
  MOCK_METHOD(handle_t, api_open, ());
  MOCK_METHOD(void, api_foo, (handle_t h, int, float));
  MOCK_METHOD(void, api_foo2, (handle_t h, int));
  MOCK_METHOD(void, api_close, (handle_t h));

MockApi mocked_api_instance;

// Override default symbols and forward to gtest
handle_t api_open() { return mocked_api_instance.api_open(); }
handle_t api_api_foo(handle_t h, int i) { return mocked_api_instance.api_open(h, i); }
// ...

Note how mocked_api_instance has to be a global singleton; since your test under code will probably expect to be able to call this API directly, it's necessary to rely on a global object that everyone can access - both your test and their overridden API symbols and the module under test. With all this scaffolding in place, you can now write almost-normal tests.

TEST(Foo, Bar) {
  EXPECT_CALL(mocked_api_instance, api_open).WillOnce(Return(nullptr));

  MyObject o;

This method has the (big) disadvantage of creating an invisible dependency between "mocked_api_instance" and the rest of the test. An out-of-order inclusion can make your test fail, unexpectedly, and people trying to write new tests will find it quite hard to understand what is going on with out some good docs. On the other hand, this technique will let you create very stable tests with few run-time dependencies, so I still believe they can add a lot of value for integration tests!

Thursday, 27 February 2020

jq: grep and prettify json

If you don't use jq, you are missing a very important utility in your bash toolset. jq let's you query and filter json files from a cli. Just like awk or sed, js's "language" is basically write only, meaning whenever you need to do something there's a 99% chance you'll just be copy-pasting recipes from Stackoverflow until you find the one that works for you. Here are a couple of recipes I found most useful:

cat a json file - with pretty print

jq . /path/to/json_file

Select a single key

jq ''

The command above will return "42" for a json that looks like "{path: {to: {key: 42}}}"

Delete all entries in an object, except for one

jq '.foo|=bar'

The command above will return "{foo: {bar:''}}" for a json that looks like "{foo: {bar:'', baz: ''}}"

This is probably not even enough to get started. Luckily there's plenty of docs to read @

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Mixin(ish) classes with parameter packs in C++

For some reason I couldn't find many examples of how to use a parameter pack as a mixin, to enable different features with no runtime overhead. Here is a full example of you might implement this (be aware there are some nasal daemons in the code below!). The technique is really based on this one line:

 int dummy[sizeof...(Config)] = { (Config::apply(p), 0)... };

This idiom will unpack a parameter pack and call T::apply, for each T in the parameter pack. You can use this idiom to build very clean mixin-type interfaces with static dispatch, or to build job security.

Full example:

struct EnableFeatureA {
  template <typename T> static void apply(T *a) {
    cout << a->a() << endl;

struct EnableFeatureB {
  template <typename T> static void apply(T *a) {
    cout << T::b() << endl;

template <typename Impl, typename... Config>
struct Foo {
    // Call apply() for each type in Config
    Impl *p = nullptr;
    int dummy[sizeof...(Config)] = { (Config::apply(p), 0)... };

struct Bar;
using FwdFoo = Foo<Bar, EnableFeatureA, EnableFeatureB>;

struct Bar : FwdFoo {
   int a() { return 4; }
   static int b() { return 2; }