Zigbee Boiler: bugfix addendum

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2025-01-07 | Permalink | Leave a comment

I came back from holidays with a mystery to solve: my automated heating system kept, for hours, trying to shut down heating. Why wasn't it turning off?

After a few weeks, once home (because my home automation has no inbound internet access, only message publishing to Telegram) the puzzle got more interesting: the logs said it was trying to shut heating down, however its state was never "on" in the first place. To top it off, the temp charts showed this: Crazy high spikes, as high as 25 degrees. Why did the system think it was off while the boiler was running?

I tried a few lines of investigation. Sometimes sensors misreport data, saying a room is 0, or Nan, or 50 degrees (C!), or some other unreasonable value, however those are filtered out. Maybe a bit flipped and the Zigbee name/alias is different, but no, I could control the boiler normally if I manually turned it on when it was off. It was like something else was controlling the device... and then I re-read my own article.

Turns out I never disconnected the original RF controller, I only added a new parallel one. I figured it'd be useful, should my Zigbee controller ever fail! Turns out I chucked the original RF control in a drawer, in a cold corner of my house where I have the heating off. In a cold week, the room where the controller was never reached the minimum temperature to turn the heating off, despite my careful network of sensors shouting "it's hot in here, turn it off".

Fun fact: I bought current sensor to detect when the boiler is on, but it doesn't match the Zigbee state. It was sitting in a drawer, next to the original RF controller. This would make a great fail of the week, too bad the Embedded Muse is no longer running.

I'm not looking forward to the gas bill next month, but at least my cats got to enjoy a balmy 24C winter break for a few weeks.

Homeboard: Wayland on X

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-10-28 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Besides cross-compiling to RaspberryPi, at times it's also useful to just run things locally. While faster than building on the target, the cycle of xcompile and deploy is still cumbersome for short sessions (i.e. when the target is usually offline, unpowered, and possibly lost somewhere in my house). For these situations, I found out I can run Wayland based apps on top of my X-based desktop, using Weston.

Weston is an implementation of Wayland. If you don't have it already, you can apt-get install weston. If you do this in an X based desktop, you can still run weston in a terminal, inside X.

Between Wayland on X and cross-compiling to RaspberryPi, I can test my fork (hack) of Swayimg for RaspberryPi Zero.

Crosscompiling to RaspberryPi Zero

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-10-12 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Homeboard continues progressing, albeit at a snail pace. Using a RaspberryPi Zero as the base board means not only the project runs at a leisurely pace, but so do any attempts at compiling software in the target itself. Because I got tired of measuring my build times in minutes, I decided it's time to set up a cross-compiler from my PC to my homeboard. This means I can now build things in my reasonably fast PC, and deploy the resulting binary to the RaspberryPi Zero.

Setting up a cross compiler from scratch can be challenging, as it requires replicating a large chunk of your target. Luckily, the Raspberry Pi is a popular platform and plenty of articles explaining how to set up a x-compiler are available. Unluckily, I found most of them didn't work for me, with my host being Debian Bookworm. In the end I managed to find a combination of arcane spells to make x-compiling work.

First, get a Raspberry Pi Zero image, and mount it locally. This will be the sys-root of the target when x-compiling:

wget https://downloads.raspberrypi.com/raspios_armhf/images/raspios_armhf-2024-07-04/2024-07-04-raspios-bookworm-armhf.img.xz
xz -d 2024-07-04-raspios-bookworm-armhf.img.xz
# Find out the mount-start offset (multiply by 512)
fdisk -lu "$IMG_FNAME" | grep Linux | awk '{print $2}'
mkdir -p mnt
mount -o loop,offset=541065216 2024-07-04-raspios-bookworm-armhf.img.xz ./mnt

And to build things:

clang -target arm-linux-gnueabihf -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s --sysroot ./mnt/ test.c

That's all; this should create a binary in armv6 format, ready to be deployed to your target. A few things I discovered:

I wrapped this in a convenient bash script so you can build a makefile that will x-compile easily, have a look here: https://github.com/nicolasbrailo/rpiz-xcompile

Homeboard: wwwslide

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-09-10 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Homeboard hasn't seen much progress during the holidays, except for a small but useful piece of software: I created a hacky way to serve pictures over a web interface. This is a fairly fundamental piece of infrastructure for my homeboard project; most of the time these will be displaying some ambient information, but most of the screen's real estate will be used to show my (reasonably large and decades spanning) personal picture collection.

wwwslide looks like this:

From the readme:

wwwslide is a client/server for LAN slideshows. If you have a large picture collection and want a way to display them in multiple places, wwwslide server will create a web interface to retrieve random pictures from a single url. The web client can display these pictures, but there is no reason to use the included client: you could curl wwwslide and pipe it to an image viewer.

wwwslide has a server that can be pointed to a local pictures directory. It expects that pictures will be grouped in albums, sorted by /$year/$arbitrary_name/.jpg (eg 2019/foo/bar/album/.jpg). On startup, it will pick up one album, randomly, and serve a few pictures from this album to anyone calling its /get_image web endpoint. Once it runs out of pictures for this album, it will select a new random album (with a new random subset of pictures).

The included client (which can be accessed on the root of the server) can be used to browser this picture (just point your browser to your wwwslide LAN address). It's not very smart, but it should work!

Remote control: each picture includes a QR code. Scanning the QR will take you to a local page with metadata of the shown image. This page can also be used to control wwwslide (eg to request that this album is displayed from the start, or to select a new album)

Reverse geolocation: the metadata of each picture includes a reverse-geolocation. No need to guess where you took a picture, wwwslide will guess for you (as long as your pictures have geotags in their exif data)

wwwslide v0 was just a Flask service sending local-disk jpg's, and I found I frequently wondered where a particular picture was taken, or wish I had a way to see more pictures from a specific location. I'm quite proud of the idea to implement this: wwwslide will watermark pictures with a qr-code that can be used to get more info on the shown picture, and to display more picture of a specific album.

Homeboard P0: Stonebaked Margherita Picture frame

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-07-18 | Permalink | Leave a comment

With my homeboard booting up, it's time to make it show something. Some day I'll build a net-boot capable system, but until then I'd like to have it do something, even if it's by installing a few services by hand.


Starting with a base Raspbian Bookworm for Rpi Zero (32 bit), with no GUI:

Prepare Wayland

Raspbian Bookworm 32bit doesn't have support for Wayland out of the box. To enable:


Screen rotation

Because of the way the flex cable is fed to the HDMI-to-eDP board, the screen may end up rotated 180 degrees. You may also want a portrait picture frame, instead of a landscape one. To rotate Wayland:

  1. Do kmsprint or kmsprint -m
  2. Look for the name of the screen, eg HDMI-A-1
  3. Look for the mode, eg 1920x1080@60.00
  4. Create this in ~/.config/wayfire.ini, replacing the values found above for your setup
mode = 1920X1080@60.00
position = 0,0
transform = 90

No need to reboot Wayfire, it should pick up the changes and fix itself immediately. I think.


With a GUI, it's time to show a picture. I hacked swayimg to load pictures from a local server, plus a few other useful features to make it more usable in a RpiW, like consuming less memory than default, and porting to 32 bits. To install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libcurl git ninja-build meson
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libwayland-dev wayland-protocols
sudo apt-get install libjson-c-dev libxkbcommon-dev libfontconfig-dev libjpeg-dev

To build: [Yes, this is building swayimg in our target. This is horrible and will take a long time, so be prepared for a long coffee break. Some day I'll setup a crosscompiler].

git clone https://github.com/nicolasbrailo/swayimg.git
meson setup [build|--wipe build]
ninja -C build

To start:

Check that nothing crashes too much.

P0 picture frame

With everything "working", we can make Wayfire and swayimg a system service, so they'll start at boot:

Add this to /etc/systemd/system/wayfire.service (change the user name):


Also this to /etc/systemd/system/ambience.service (also change the user name. Or make a new user):

Environment=XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 WAYLAND_DISPLAY="wayland-1" DISPLAY=""


sudo systemctl enable wayfire
sudo systemctl enable ambiene
sudo systemctl restart wayfire
sudo systemctl restart ambience

Next time you boot up, the Stonebaked Margherita P0 frame should behave like a picture frame.

Homeboard P0: Stonebaked Margherita

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-07-14 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Homeboard P0 has been built!!1

After figuring out how to run my own LCD panel, it was just a question of buying the right cables. I wanted to build a homeboard, and I thought I'd spend a ton of time writing cool software. Turns out 90% of the project is a game of "did I buy the right cable". Eventually I did end up with enough cables to build this monstrosity:

You are admiring a:

(Full list of materials further down, so you don't need to hunt all of these)

Here the glorious moment everything is connected together, and actually boots an OS:

Of course at this point I realized the weak point of my design is on the mechanical linkage between the different boards. To tame this quite literally unwieldy hodgepodge of cables, I ate a pizza:

Using the cardboard box of a pizza, some ducktape and a few M2 screws, I built a beautiful hack mount for all my boards, which let me move the assembly around for tests. This was enough for quick power checks, but pizza box cardboard isn't a very durable material. I upgraded to a full frame:

This is an Ikea picture frame, with an LCD screen tapped to the front and a hole in the back for the eDP connector. Everything mounted together:

And the glorious, glorious first boot of the Stonebaked Margherita Homeboard P0:

Of course at this stage the only thing the Houseboard P0 does is boot. An achievement, but not too useful. Next up, I'll make it do something. Possibly crash.



Useful references

Houseboard P0: HDMI to eDP

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-07-07 | Permalink | Leave a comment

Minor victory in my quest to build a houseboard based on a Linux-PoE-netboot-RaspberryPi-etc: I figured out how to run my own LCD panel.

The first step was verifying my panel worked. For this, I used a display port to eDP converter. Turns out eDP is basically DP, but over a ribbon cable. There are some cheap boards, for example, that do this - searching for "DP to eDP" or "display port to eDP" will yield a high number of vendors. The key part is matching the ribbon type of the panel you need to drive (30 or 40 pins).

Unfortunatelly, single-board-computers (like the RaspberryPi) don't have DP, despite DP being better than HDMI in every way. The cost of adding a DP connector seems to be high and mosty in licenses, not necessarily in components, so SBCs don't do it. This meant that getting my expensive GPU to use my cheap panel wasn't good for much beyond knowing the panel works.

Fortunatelly, I managed to find a board that liked my panel:

I got a "PCB-800807V6-1HDMI-EDP 30PIN LCD driver board", which comes at about £10 and supports multiple resolutions. This was a nice lucky find, and it unblocked the build of HouseboardP0, which I'll document in some other entry.

Houseboard P0: PP0

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-06-30 | Permalink | Leave a comment

I have a ton of unnecessary home automation, but I'm lacking some kind of house board: a quick way of getting info before leaving (like weather, or transport conditions), leaving messages (don't forget to pick up kids from school) or just a shopping list. Sensible people would look at readily available digital signage solutions. Of course I didn't do that, instead decided to build my own.

I settled for a quick list of requirements to guide the project: Linux based, running off power-over-ethernet, with net-boot and 100% locally hosted. How hard can that be?

The first step to design my houseboard was searching for a panel. Here is a capture of the moment it failed:

Turns out that scoring a random replacement panel for a laptop and trying to pair that with a random controller board works well in theory but needs a lot of luck. Starting with a cheapish £40 LCD panel with an eDP connector, I got an HDMI-to-eDP board. My panel and my board didn't like each other, so all I got was backlight, and that is not very useful unless you only need to display binary information.

Since ordering and shipping a different panel controller board would take a few weeks, I decided to change my strategy: my P0 would be changed to a Prototype-Prototype-0 (PP0), using a similar platform to let me start working on the software and sensors, while I figured the way to control a panel. Here is Houseboard PP0, in all it's glory:

I got a USB-powered touchscreen, which is powered by a RaspberryPi 4. The RPI itself is powered over PoE, and there is an HDMI connection between the Rpi and the screen, and a secondary USB connection to get touch screen support. The PoE adapter is barely capable of powering the screen AND the Rpi: if I turn the brightness of the screen to 100%, the system will reset.

And with a few sensors (a PIR + mmWave):

It's not going to win any design prizes, but it works

While eventually I did end up solving my LCD panel woes, Houseboard PP0 let me start building some software for the houseboard quickly:

  1. A Wayland based image display built on top of Swayimage; to show a gallery of pictures when there is no other info to show
  2. A presence service (to determine when there are humans nearby, based on PIR and mmWave sensors).

BoM for Houseboard PP0

Useful references

RaspberryPi gpio cli monitor

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-06-15 | Permalink | Leave a comment

I wrote a small CLI utility to display when a GPIO pin changes state in a Raspberry Pi.

Using gpiomon, it's possible to monitor all pins to get an output like this:

$ ./gpiomon
CNT P00 P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24
000 >1< >1< >1< >1< >1< >1< >1< >1< >1<  0   0   0   0   0   0  >1<  0   0   0   0   0  >1<  0   0   0
001  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0  >1<  1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0
002  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0
003  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0
004  1   1   1   1   1  >1<  1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0
005  1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0

Where the left most column is the number of seconds since startup. It's also easy to monitor a single pin:

$ ./gpiomon 21
000 PIN 21 = >1<
001 PIN 21 =  1
002 PIN 21 =  1
003 PIN 21 = >0<
004 PIN 21 =  0
005 PIN 21 =  0
006 PIN 21 = >1<
007 PIN 21 =  1

And most useful of all, an option to only print out (log) when a pin changes state. Eg:

$ ./gpiomon -u -l 21
000 PIN 21 = >1<
009 PIN 21 = >0<
015 PIN 21 = >1<

LD2410S: mmWave human-presence detection

Post by Nico Brailovsky @ 2024-06-15 | Permalink | Leave a comment

For a project, I bought a bunch of cheap LD2410S, an mmWave (radar) sensor to detect human presence (I actually started with an infrared sensor, but it had too many false negatives for my use case). The ones I got were pre-flashed with firmware to use a pin to announce presence or absence. To figure out if it's working or not, I tried using my GPIOmon byt found the sensor so accurate, that I couldn't manage to not detect my presence when in the room, no mater what material I used to cover it. Instead, I had to leave the room, and only then confirm the sensor was working as expected by looking at the GPIOmon logs.

The LD2410S also has a UART interface, and comes with a (Windows only) test app, but I wasn't able to make it work under Wine. I spent a bit of time reverse engineering how to talk UART with the LD2410S from the manual, and I got halfway there. There are examples, but many of them (even in the manufacturer's page) seem to be for a different model, and the LD2410S doesn't behave quite the same. First, I tested a basic command to figure out how to talk to the sensor:

import serial
import binascii
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', 115200, timeout=10)
def read_ser():
    data = b''
    while True:
        data = data + binascii.hexlify(ser.read())
        if data.endswith(b'04030201') or data.endswith(b'08070605') or len(data) > 50:
            print(' <= ', data)
def ser_message(msg):
    head = "FDFCFBFA"
    tail = "04030201"
    fullmsg = head + msg + tail
    print(' => ', fullmsg)
# Enter config mode
ser_message("0400" + "FF000100")
# Request serial
ser_message("0200" + "1100")
# Write new serial
ser_message("0C00" + "10000800" + "BADB0B00F00DF00D")
# Request serial
ser_message("0200" + "1100")
# Disable config mode
ser_message("0400" + "FE010000")

If things work, the reply to the 4th message (request serial) should be the serial we set in the message just before. Something like <= b'fdfcfbfa0e00110100000800BADB0B00F00DF00D04030201'. Once that worked, I knew I could talk to the device over UART, but I still couldn't make sense of the periodic reports the device was sending:

import serial
import binascii
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB1', 115200, timeout=10)
data = b''
while True:
    data = data + binascii.hexlify(ser.read())
    if len(data) == 10:
        print('< ', data)
        data = b''

The periodic messages here didn't match any of the messages specified in the docs I found, so I printed these out together with the GPIO status. Got something like this:

<  b'6e02320162'    GPIO=1
<  b'6e02320162'    GPIO=1
<  b'6e00000062'    GPIO=0
<  b'6e00000062'    GPIO=0
<  b'6e00000062'    GPIO=0
<  b'6e01000062'    GPIO=0
<  b'6e01000062'    GPIO=0
<  b'6e02d20062'    GPIO=1
<  b'6e02d20062'    GPIO=1
<  b'6e02d20062'    GPIO=1
<  b'6e02d20062'    GPIO=1

I still haven't figured out what these messages mean, and my weekend timedout so it will have to wait (unless a kind reader of this note can drop me a line with info on how to parse the sensor's report, that is.)

Make sure the meson step finds curl and libjpeg, otherwise it won't be a very useful LAN picture frame.